The Copyright Act, 1957 came into effect from January 1958. This Act has been amended five times since then, i.e., in 1983, 1984, 1992, 1994 and 1999, with the amendment of 1994 being the most substantial.

Copyright refers to laws that regulate the use of the work of a creator, such as an artist or author.
For a copyright to apply to a work, it must be an original idea that is put to use. The idea alone cannot be protected by copyright. It should be in the physical use of that idea, such as an illustration or a written novel, that is covered under copyright law.

(Useful points)

1. No one can copy, if any one do so we can take a legal action.
2. Create goodwill in future.
3. Protection from duplicacy done by any other person/entity.

1. 3 Photocopies & CD with contents of Copy Right.
2. NOC from Author / owner / publisher.
3. 3 Copy – Signed & Stamp of Form-4.
4. Signed Power of Attorney.

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